Source: https://files.cry.co.nz/naenae-college%2Ffacultyreports%2F2023%2Fvisualart.pdf 

Highlight and concerns for the 2023 academic year

  • AT7 computers issues, scratch disk full, no memory, loose cables, etc. Continued maintenance and update of new computer suite will  ensure computers are well maintained for years to come.

  • Having the AT7 Computer room finially upgraded in Term 4 of 2023. No classes in 2024 are able to book the computers. For the longevity and safe keeping and manaaki of this room we need to make sure this room is taken off the booking system. As we have already seen a number of classes use this room and leave rubbish behind as well as unplugging cables and cords, which is frustrating to have to reset the computers for our classes.

  • For our Senior Design students we have concerns that students have limited access to Photoshop at home. We could support this by having mobile Photoshop licences for our senior design students.

  • What we are finding is that by hav·ing half year Junior Art programmes, students who take Art in the 1st ha lf of the year are at a disadvantage because they then miss out on doing any Art for the rest of the year and have the holidays where they are most unlikely to do any art as well. On the flipside, students taking up Art in the 2nd Half have a shorter run in Art with EOTC and a short school calendar to contend with.

  • A big concern going forward into 2024 is our Level 1 Art and Level 1 Deisgn programme. Students can no longer take both Art and Design subjects as the NEW Level 1 Visual Art standards are assessed aga inst the same standard resulting in a clash. (Processes need to be put in place to avoid this situation e.g LAR teachers & Whanau Heads to be informed not to place students in both subjects and check students timetable that it is not clashed. HOD needs to check both Level 1 Art and Design rolls and remove any students that are doubled up at the end of 2023 course selection. In 2024, HOD needs to keep checking both Art and Design rolls that no students have appeared and fallen through the cracks. Final checks need to be followed in the first weeks of Term 1.


  • Class sizes have Increased in 2024 with 2 x Artl00 and 2 x DEP200/300 classes running. We originally had 3 x Year 10 Art classes running in 2023. Both Year 10 Art classes th is year are maxed at 29 students. We had to collaspe a Year 9 art class to compensate for the two additional classes.

  • Hiring an additional Art Teacher even if they are Part-Time. Having 1 Dedicated staff member to the Junior Programmes and curriculum development to allow for more numbers and options in the senior Painting, Photography and Design classes.
