HEAD: Kiri Shaw
Source: https://files.cry.co.nz/naenae-college%2Ffacultyreports%2F2023%2Fpehealth.pdf
Concerns for 2023 academic year
Despite prerequisites and/or needing HOF approval, students that are not physically inclined are still being left or being put into senior PE/Sport Studies courses. This puts pressure on the classroom teacher who has to deal with a lack of effort from''those students as well as dealing with the range of learning abilities, especially in the low literaiy Sport Studies courses.
Lack of support for ELL students, especially in low literacy senior Sport Studies courses
Need to better prepare junior students for the higher literacy component and heavier workload in senior PE courses .
Student's not completing the ir work because they choose to focus on other subjects to gain their credits, or they've already achieved the necessary credits they require.
SPS100 & SPS300 courses, very disappointing results. Literacy levels/abilities were very low in the SPS100 classes. Motivation and effort levels were not great with the Y13 students reflected in low attendance and poor completion of work.