FACULTY REPORTS: Performing Arts

Source: https://files.cry.co.nz/naenae-college%2Ffacultyreports%2F2023%2Fperformingarts.pdf 

Table of Contents

Section One- Executive Summary

Highlights and concerns for the 2023 academic year

One of the major concerns that had been anticipated was the possibility of poor attendance among Year 13 students due to their responsibilities in student leadership roles and historical attendance problems. Regrettably, these concerns materialised during the year, which affected the progression of dance development and student engagement in learning.

Section Two - Results Analysis for YEars 11 - 13



Students would have benefitted from participating in choreographic dance labs with external dance providers. Although students engaged with creating thei r own dances, they didn't have the skill to develop original choreography. This is valuable learn ing required for the choreography Achievement Standards.
