Head: Jessica Kim
Source: https://files.cry.co.nz/naenae-college%2Ffacultyreports%2F2023%2Fmath.pdf
Table of Contents
- SECTION ONE: Executive Summary
- Level 1 Mathematics - MAS101
- Level 1 Mathematics - NUM100
- Level 2 Mathematics - MAT201
- Level 2 Mathematics - MAS202
- Level 3 Mathematics - MAC301
- Level 3 Mathematics - MAS301
- Level 3 Mathematics - MAS302
- Achievement of Maori and Pasifika Students
- SECTION THREE: Analysis of Year 9 and 10 Courses
- SECTION FOUR: Department Goals and Student Achievement Targets for 2024
SECTION ONE: Executive Summary
Areas to Develop
Literacy strategies (reading and comprehension): This is a major barrier for students who are to explain how they solve problems, in particular, for students in NUM100.
Developing practical activities and engaging tasks in abstract mathematics is challenging.
More real-life-based activities and resources for the junior curriculums need to be developed to engage students and help them understand mathematics in everyday life.
A more rigorous plan needs to be in place to improve student attendance and engagement.
External results in Years 11-13 are not as good as internal results.
Level 1 Mathematics - MAS101
The results for AS91029 Linear Algebra show 57.9% Not Achieved. It is likely due to students' lack of understanding of Algebra. More time and support in junior school are needed to improve students' logical thinking and algebraic skills.
The results for AS91038 Elements of Chance are disapointing, with 43.8% Not Achieved. This was the last internal assessment offered in term 4, and students didn't do their best to pass the assessment.
Almost 40% of the students didn't sit for the external exam.
Level 1 Mathematics - NUM100
Level 2 Mathematics - MAT201
Only 80% of the students earned 14 credits or more. The students in this class are top-performing students and everyone should gain atleast 14 credits.
The results of AS91261 Algebra are concerning, with 46.7% of the students not sitting the exam. This is likely due to students having already chosen their pathways and not needing Level 3 Algebra or Calculus.
Students find AS91257 Graphs challenging. The class teacher needs to explore new strategies and practice tasks to support students.
The results of AS91256 Coordinate Geometry and AS91264 Inference are pleasing; every student passed and gained credits.
Level 2 Mathematics - MAS202
MAT202 had the lowest pass rate in Years 11 - 13. Only one student gained 14 credits and only four students gained 12 credits or more.
Students' low literacy had a negative impact on the outcome. More practice assessments are to be offered to overcome the barrier.
Students didn't show disruptive behaviour, but their engagement was low in class. Many of them used their phones, and didn't pay full attention in class. Students also showed a lack of motivation and low attendance in general.
The class teacher was a first-year teacher and overestimated students' ability to take responsibility for their own learning. Clear instructions and more communication with whanau are required for better output from students.
The pass rates in AS91259 Trigonometry and AS91258 Sequences and Series are very low and can be improved by providing pre-rearranged formulas in the assessments.
US28094 Household Budgeting has the highest pass rate and is the most relevant topic for MAT202 students.
Level 3 Mathematics - MAC301
The pass rate has decrease in 2023 compared to previous years. Students who had enough credits to pass NCEA Level 3 didn't sit the external exams.
The class size was alarming with only 9 students in 2023. Students preferred Statistics as an easy option and didn't want to spend extra hours learning Algebra. Good support in Years 11 and 12 should be provided for students to be more confident in taking Level 3 Calculus.
Students who worked hard to get high grades achieved.
Some students, although their understanding is not up to the level, were allowed to take MAC301 because their pathway after college required Level 3 Calculus. In such cases, the class teacher is to give extra feedback and support to improve their algebraic skills.
Level 3 Mathematics - MAS301
It is our first time to offer AS91584 Statistical Report External and the results are not as good as the other externals we offered in the past. In 2024, A591585 Probability Concepts or AS91586 Probability Distribution will be offered.
The literacy demands are very high in this course. Although most students who enter this course have already been offered via their success in Level 2 Mathematics or Statistics, they still find it challenging to comprehend some of the terms used in the report writing.
50% of the students did not sit the external exam. This is likely due to students having enough credits to pass NCEA Level 3.
A better work ethic is needed for students to attain high grades.
Level 3 Mathematics - MAS302
The results of AS91576 Critical Path are low, with a pass rate of 46.2%. Students need to do more practice assessments before they sit the real assessment.
The student's low literacy was a barrier in this course. The class teacher is to provide more opportunities to do research, reading and writing to improve their literacy.
Although students have used the statistical enquiry cycle since Year 9, many struggled to identify useful information and integrate it with statistical features.
Achievement of Maori and Pasifika Students
Level 1 - MAT101, MAS101, NUM100
The number of Maori students in in MAT101/MAS101 decreased in 2023, whereas the number of Maori students in NUM100 increased in 2023.
About 55% of the students in NUM100 were Maori students in 2023. This is a continuation of Year 10 results, were a large number of Mari students achieved at Level 2 or 3.
The percentage of Not Achieved in Pasifika students doubled in 2023.
The percentages of Excellence decreased in all three groups in 2023.
Level 2 - MAT201, MAS201, MAT202
The number of students taking a Level 2 Mathematics course in 2023 is similar to that in 2022.
There is a decrease in the number of Maori students taking Level 2 Mathematics in 2023, but the change is not significant.
Pasifika students show the lowest percentages out of the three ethic groups: 19% in 2022 and 21% in 2023.
SECTION THREE: Analysis of Year 9 and 10 Courses
Year 9: Summary of 2023 Academic Year
35% of year 9 students and 15% of year 9 Maori student finish the year at 4B or above. These are alot lower than what we aimed for; we aimed for 60% of year 9 students and 60% of year 9 Maori students finished the year at 4B or above.
The percentage of year 9 students at 4B or adove has decreased by 6% compared to 2022 (41%).
The percentage of year 9 Maori students at 4B or above also decreased by 9% compared to 2022 (24%)
A large portion of students below 4B raises concerns that our year 9 students are not developing as expected. The mathematics department will review our year 9 curriculum to strengthen key skills.
Year 10: Summary of 2023 Academic Year
36% of year 10 students and 27% of year 10 Maori students finished the year at 4A or above. These are alot lower than we aimed for.
There are many factors that explain these im provements, such as different cohorts and class sizes. One of the important factors might be teachers' high expectations of students due to the numeracy CAA.
SECTION FOUR: Department Goals and Student Achievement Targets for 2024
The College refused to release this section.