FACULTY REPORTS: English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)

Head: Angela Sellwood

Source: https://files.cry.co.nz/naenae-college%2Ffacultyreports%2F2023%2Fesol.pdf 

ESOL Verification visit

On November 7 The ESOL verifier, Rosemary Gillies, visited and wrote quit e a critical report subsequently. The main points were:

  • Ony a small proportion of ELLs were being catered for in the ESOL programme.

  • Only newly arrived ELLs have diagnostic testing, and only funded Ells are assessed using the ELLP tool (which some teachers will not be expert at using)

  • There are gaps in the identification and enrolment procedures for ELLs

  • Provisions for all Ells, especially those in the senior school, need to be reviewed to ensure they are prepared as well as possible for the CAAs
